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Pano 26 Featured Image

Download an HDRI pano single for free. This image was captured with 24 stops of latitude.

I like using HDRIs, or is the plural still HDRI? Anyway, I like using HDRI that give a fairly hard shadow. Usually, lighting with an HDRI gives you nice soft light but not too many defined shadows. The image has to be captured with a great deal of latitude or a really well defined source to get hard shadows at all. Using an HDRI that gives you somewhat hard shadows is always great because you get the appearance of direct lighting with the GI for free since you are not only capturing the source but all the bounce light with these panos. This image provides some really convincing lighting for a mostly sunny scene. You get some nice hard shadows, enough visual interest since the lighting is broken up by clouds and a fairly neutral bounce environment. This is a nice image for general lighting especially when you’re trying to achieve an outdoor environment look.

Pano 26

Pano 26 Shader Ball

This HDRI was captured on a very bright, mostly sunny day. It was captured in the street next to the local art museum in the American mid-west.

Pano 26 Preview

This HDRI is equirectangular, Lat/Long mapped for use as a CG light source.

It is provided as a 32-bit .EXR

Download the HDRI single here

Use this HDRI in any way you see fit for either personal, academic or commercial projects. Credit is not required but it’s always nice! If you are going to give credit please do so like this:

HDRI provided by
Mighty North LLC

There are 2 restrictions to this license:

You cannot resell this HDRI on its own or part of a package of HDRI. You can give it to others provided you acknowledge where you downloaded it from (here).

You cannot sell a derivative work that is not substantially different than this HDRI. I.E. You cannot sell prints of this image. You can however sell derivative works that are substantially different wherein this image is a portion either as lighting or backgrounds.

If you end up using this and would like to share how you’ve used it, please do so! Leave a link in the comments below. Let me know what sort of HDRI you’d like to see in the future and I’ll see what I can do.

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