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Download a photogramically captured seamless, tileable CG brick material in 8K (8192 x 8192px) 16-bit tiff maps.

The material includes diffuse, specular, roughness, occlusion, displacement (heights) and tangent space normal maps. All are seamless and tileable.

This material was set up in Arnold for Maya but it will work in any Diffuse/Specular based material render engine.


Bricks Old Dark Flat

Old dark bricks

bricks old Dark D Material Parade


I know, another single! I am not running out of steam. It is really just about time. I have been pulled away by work a lot more lately so that means less time to go out and photograph the world then process it into CG elements. There is plenty more to come though!

This material was photogramically captured from real world materials. The displacement scale will depend upon your scene scale. There is a number in parenthesis appended to the displacement map file name. This is typically a good starting scale. Experiment till it look goods in your scene scale. Be sure that if your 3D package applies a color space transform to any textures that at least the normal map is set to use the raw unprocessed image or you will get incorrect results.

Download the material pack here

Use this material in any way you see fit for either personal, academic or commercial projects. Credit is not required but it’s always nice! If you are going to give credit please do so like this:

CG Material provided by
Mighty North LLC

There are 2 restrictions to this license:

You cannot resell this material on its own or as part of package of materials or images. You can give it to others provided you acknowledge where you downloaded it from (here).

You cannot sell a derivative work that is not substantially different than this material/images. I.E. You cannot sell prints of these images. You can however sell derivative works that are substantially different wherein these images are a portion.

If you end up using these and would like to share how you’ve used them, please do so! Leave a link in the comments below. Let me know what sort of materials you’d like to see in the future and I’ll see what I can do.

Kick in a Few Bucks

Send a few bucks my way to help me keep this site up and getting you free stuff for VFX, motion graphics and CG. I really appreciate your help!