Apr 11, 2021 | Elements, Free Stuff, VFX
More blood elements! This time I’ve taken some input from people with far more experience than myself and created a more aerosolized spray. Something like this is subtle and suitable for all kinds of high speed impacts. This blood element is provided as 3...
Mar 28, 2021 | Elements, Free Stuff, VFX
I’ve created another blood element to share this week. I got some feedback on the previous blood element I shared but have not incorporated that yet. A friend of mine asked for a long stringy element and my former teacher, the fantastically talented Rob...
Mar 14, 2021 | Elements, Free Stuff, VFX
I end up using the same VFX elements a lot of the time. I know I’m not alone in this because certain things like blood hits and muzzle flashes have become very recognizable to me. I see the same maybe two dozen elements used everywhere. I find myself having to...