Mar 22, 2020 | After Effects, Design, Elements, Free Stuff, Motion graphics, VFX
I hope everyone is staying safe out there! I know that you’ve probably heard that from everyone lately but I don’t know what else anyone can really say. Take care of your loved ones and protect yourself. We’re going to need each other not only to get...
Mar 15, 2020 | After Effects, CG, Design, Elements, Free Stuff, Motion graphics, VFX
I actually had a free minute this past week so I was able to spend it trying to find some inspiration and create some new elements. I was browsing youTube and found the motion designer Ben Marriot. If you are unfamiliar with him, he is definitely worth following on...
Mar 8, 2020 | After Effects, CG, Design, Elements, Free Stuff, VFX
Today I have a pair of spray paint elements for VFX or motion graphics use. These elements were short enough that I was able to pre-matte and render these as ProRes 4444 with an an alpha channel while keeping the file size small enough to hopefully not get kicked off...